How to fix FGTech ECU Galletto 2 LOW Voltage problem?

How to fix FGTech ECU Galletto 2 LOW Voltage problem?
Hello,everyone,here is marshall from
in our selling time,we have so many customer ask us about the fgtech galletto low voltage problem.
Our item FGTECH galletto is no problem,it maybe cause by few reason:
Not install driver well,pls check below,if your driver is install well,and computer can find it?
if you can open FGTECH software,then install is ok.
Connection in order,one by one is very important.
First,keep the software page on,Don't close it,Keep computer in power,disconnect the FGTECH with computer.
Second,Connect FGTECH main unit chips with your car,car lights is turn on,
then connect car with computer,the FGTECH will read the voltage.