How to Change Average Fuel Consumption Rate from KM/L to L/100KM?

This article is going to show you how to change average fuel consumption rate on Mercedes W211, W219, W164 CLS.
This car now displays rate in KM/L, and we will change it to L/100LM.
The coding will be performed with VXDIAG Benz, also you can use your own tools. (SD C4, Super MB Pro, Openport, etc.)

Mercedes W211 and other older models communicate with software in DAS.
Go to
Control Units>>Information and communication>>instrument cluster>>Diagnosis at the direction of the factory>>coding of the control unit>>Variant encoding
Here one is full version, while the other is simple version.
Select full version one.
Scroll down and find "Indication of consumption km".
Switch it into l/100km
Save setting.
Do Not forget to reset.
Back and select
Done! Now it displays in L/100KM.
Rate in L/100KM
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