How to Install 2010V Opcom OP-Com with V1.59 Software Step by Step?

How to Install 2010V Opcom OP-Com with V1.59 Software Step by Step? provide customers with newest 2010V Opcom OP-Com with V1.59 Software

The advatanges of  V1.59 Opcom:

1. Software Version: V2010.08
    Hareware Version: V1.59
2. OP-COM - PC based Opel diagnostic
3. OP-COM is a PC based diagnostic program.
4. Comes with PIC18F458 Chip.
5. Works more stable than V1.45


Please do not Update It Online, It Will Damage The OP-COM !

Here we show you how to install V1.59 software step by step:

1.You need Install Op-com driver on your computer.
① Open My Computer → Find OP-COM (E:) CD software → Create a new folder “op-com” on Local Disk (C:) → Copy all files in OP-COM CD to the “op-com” folder

② Send OP-COM software to Desktop (create shortcut)→ Connect OP-COM interface with computer via USB port → Wait the system to detect hardware wizard → Select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)” → click “Next”

③ Choose Include and browse location to C:﹨op-com﹨Drivers → click OK → Click “Next” → Click “Finish” when opcom driver is completely installed

④ Open My Computer → Find Manager → Click Device Manager → Click Universal Serial Bus controllers → Click USB Serial Converter to make sure the communication is built well

2. You need Run Op-com software and try to diagnose.
① Please plug the op-com cable with your vehicle via OBD diagnostic socket
② Start “Shortcut to OP-COM” software on desktop
③ When the OPCOM CHINA-CLONE 08/2010 start Click “Settings”

④ Click “Test Interface”, you will able to see the OPCOM serial number and firmware version V01.59 → Click “Close” → Click “Save Config” → OP-COM Configuration saved → Press “OK”

⑤ Back to Opcom software main menu → Select “Diagnostic” function → Select “Automatic Vehicle Identification” 

⑥ Select “KWP-2000” (K-line) or “CAN” and select diagnostic connector → The op-com 2010V software will display vehicle information, VIN, model, engine code etc

⑦ Click “Diagnose ECM” button → Select ECM type and diagnostic connector → Click “Fault Code” → Op-com will display all error codes stored in ECM

⑧ The click “Clear Fault Codes” to erase error codes → Perform other diagnostic functions or exit the software program → Unplug the op-com USB interface
Any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Telphone: +86-13971221427


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