Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Support List

vvdi-key-tool-user-manual-engish.pdf  (8.3M)

vvdi-key-tool-support-remote-list.pdf  (3.4M)
xhorse-vvdi-key-tool-renew-unlock-wiring-diagram.pdf  (3.5M)

Customer Feedback:
I tried to use Handy Baby to copy ID48 from fiat iveco, but the original key is not recognized,Tip:if you not finish decoding : original will not detected and no start. Solution wait decoding finish or redecoding again and wait the end. With handy baby clone id48 is long 30-45 minutes.

How to Update VVDI Key Tool Software?
1. Select "Update" option on function menu
2. Go to VVDI KEY Tool SYS Set to update
xhorse key tool update
3. Connect remote maker with PC via a USB cable
4. Click "Update Online" button to start upgrade
5. Wait for update completed
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